Last fall, I redesigned my college fraternity’s website, PiKapp UMass. This summer, at our national “Supreme Chapter” meeting, representatives from every chapter around the US gathered at an awards dinner. Some of my fraternity brothers submitted our chapter’s website to the list of “Best Chapter Website” candidates. And my design was selected as the best!
My first award
I’ve never won an award on my designs before. Granted, this award isn’t the most important in the web design industry, but it means a lot to me. I love my fraternity and I’m glad I can still be a part of it. And it’s wonderful to get some recognition from the national office on my contribution to my chapter.
The winner
Here’s a screenshot of the ―ahem― award-winng website. It’s one of my favorite items in my portfolio.
The competition
For a point of comparison, I googled “pi kappa phi chapter websites” and took screenshots of the first ten chapter results.