Facebook Adds Twitter to News Feed

I just noticed a surprising link on my Facebook News Feed. It says, “follow @jasonrobb,” pointing to Jason Robb’s Twitter stream. What’s this? Is Facebook partnering with Twitter? I don’t think this kind of social-media-symbiosis would appear on Facebook’s most popular page without some heavy financial consideration.

A screenshot of my Facebook News Feed, showing a "follow @jasonrobb" link.

Now, I might just be the last to notice this feature. But it seems pretty big to me. Facebook has been positioning itself to compete with Twitter for months now. Why would they link to them from their News Feed?

6 thoughts on “Facebook Adds Twitter to News Feed

  1. TJ Kelly

    Jason, thanks for the comment.

    I know Selective Twitter Status, and I recognized the #fb hashtag. But I’m wondering about the “follow @jasonrobb” link. Is that part of STS too? I haven’t noticed it before. Did I just miss it?

    Made with OS X Screencapture and Photoshop.

  2. Jason Robb

    This is a Facebook app called “Selective Twitter Status” which only sends tweets with the hashtag “#fb” to Facebook.

    I used to have my entire Twitter stream pulled into Facebook, but decided it was inundating my FB friends with tweets.

    What did you use to create this screen grab? LittleSnapper?

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