I’m Going Freelance!

I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time and I’m thrilled to make this announcement. I gave my notice at McDougall Interactive and I’m finally doing what I’ve always wanted to do.

Beginning August 1st, I’ll be self-employed.

I’m excited. I’m nervous. I’m ambitious. I’m motivated. I’m ready. I’ve been trying to reach this point in my career for a long time and I’m ecstatic that it’s finally here. I know I’ll have to learn the ropes of self-employment and that won’t be easy. But I trust my instinct and business sense, not to mention the awesome and supportive network of talented web professionals in the Boston area, to help me achieve success.

I’ll be working from home at first, though I might get some office space eventually. In the short term, I want to try the work-in-my-PJ’s sort of thing. We’ll see how long that lasts…

Introducing TJ Kelly Web Strategy

My business will be operating under that name, offering a range of web marketing and development services with plenty more to come. In the short term, I’ll continue to offer design and front-end development services as my core business.

My long-term goal is to move my business into consulting on big-picture internet marketing―user experience, content strategy, information architecture, and all things mobile. That’s a move that will take time and experience to make, but one that I will continue to strive for.

Open for business! Do you need web help?

I have several awesome clients already and I’m very excited to work with them. But, of course, I’m always looking for new clients. If you or someone you know is looking for a new or updated website, please send them my way! I’d love the chance to chat with any potential new customer.

Most often, I take projects that are small-to-medium businesses, looking for an updated marketing presence on the web. I help clients reach a wider audience and convert more of that audience into customers. And everyone wants more customers!

Let’s do it.

I’m ready to see what August brings and I can’t wait to hit the ground running. And, as always, I need to borrow some inspiring words from the great Fred LeBlanc here:

Finally, thanks to everyone that took the time to talk with me about this and helped me make my decision. You all have a lot of confidence in me, and that’s an incredible feeling, and it made the choice a lot easier to justify.

Fred nailed it again and I share his sentiment 100%. My wife, my family, my friends, and even my soon-to-be-former coworkers have been very supportive and I can’t thank them enough.

Got any advice?

I have a lot to learn. What advice would you offer, as I’m about to take the plunge? Please let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts and words of wisdom. Thank you!

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