On Web 2.0-ness

Well, it’s springtime again. And you know what that means… a new design for this site. This one was inspired by a few big factors. One, it’s time to evolve beyond the tiny 800×600-compatible layout. Another key influence was the "web 2.0" craze out there.

Let me explain that… As a designer, I do believe that the latest wave of design trends has evolved into a new, separate entity from its humble roots. In that sense, one might consider it "version 2.0." However, that term is utterly meaningless. It has basically come to be a term that business personnel use either to sound like they know what their IT guy is talking about or, more commonly, to sell something.

So, this design is inspired by the latest design conventions that I find functional and aesthetic. That is, tabbed navigation, 3d-effects, and full-width backgrounds. No more boxes or full-height drop-shadows.

So, as always, I would love some feedback on the design. Please let me know what you think.