Using Twitter for Smart Shopping

But what about the other side? What about Joe Everyman? Can’t Twitter be useful for him? Can’t he extract more value from Twitter than simply being shown marketing materials?

Yes. For the average consumer, Twitter has tremendous untapped potential in the way of product research and smart shopping.

The Back-Story

The other day, I began being followed by @autoglassguy. I’m a blogger and website designer. Why would I care about “auto glass guy?” Just another company trying to reach potential new customers, I thought. But when I visited @autoglassguy’s Twitter profile, his status interested me immediately. It said, “looking for a web site design guru to spice up my ‘google’ looking home page.”

“Hmm. Convenient,” I thought.

I checked out who he follows (as of this writing, that’s 1,800 people) and I was surprised by what I saw. Of the first 20 Twitter users listed on @autoglassguy’s “Following” page, 18 of them are SEO people. In fact, the first 4 pages of @autoglassguy’s Follows are SEOs. Pages 5-9 are web designers and developers.

This might be is definitely the most effective use of Twitter I’ve seen yet.

The new Twitter model

You’re a smart shopper; a savvy consumer. You want the best deal. Here’s how to get it:

  1. Connect with the Twitter users who claim to offer what you want
  2. Express your interest in their product
  3. Watch them fight over you.

Ever hear that LendingTree tagline, “when banks compete, you win?” The same principle applies here. This is a brilliant use of Twitter and one that I plan to employ next time I need something.

Thanks, @autoglassguy.

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