Twitter’s SEO Mistake

Like most web-savvy people out there, I like to perform the occasional vanity-search by googling my own name. In my case, however, I feel it’s somewhat justified because (ready for this rationalization?) managing a web-presence is what I do.

During one such recent ego-google, I came across what I believe is a big mistake committed by our old (new) friend Twitter.

Twitter’s mobile version is showing up on SERPs. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this mean a HUGE canonicalization error on their part? Not to mention duplicate content. I’d heard recently that Twitter pages had taken a hit in Google SERPs lately. Is this part of the reason?

I think Twitter dropped the ball here. The thing is, I can’t figure out how. I checked out Twitter mobile’s robots.txt file and it appears to be doing everything right… right?

Can anyone shed any light on this situation?

2 thoughts on “Twitter’s SEO Mistake

  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for the wonderful post. I’ve been looking around the web for this type of information and finally found it.

  2. Harish

    Hi this post is really usefull ,being a member of twitter , i was wondering earlier is there any chance of optimisation for google got at the end ,thanks for the post

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