Meeting ViperChill – 28 Blogs Later, Day 10

Taking a break from the WordPress tutorial for a day to rant about a new (to me) discovery I just made: ViperChill. It’s the internet marketing blog run by 22-year old Glen Allsopp, a British web marketing phenom. I’m in awe of Glen’s résumé and accomplishments. I found his blog through a series of clicks that ultimately leads back to Reddit, of course. And I’m shocked it’s taken me so long to catch wind of him.

According to his bio, he got his start in 2005 and for the last 10 years has been leapfrogging the rest of the industry. The ViperChill blog was revived in 2012 and, as far as I can tell, is steadily on its way to the top of the game (if it isn’t there already).

ViperChill: Glen vs. Google Podcast.

Glenn’s track record seems to speak for itself. He’s managed social media campaigns for major brands, sold a niche website for “high-5-figure fee,” hosts the #1 SEO & marketing podcast on iTunes…the works. And he’s twenty goddamned two years old. I’m 8 years older at a ripe old 30 and I can’t imagine his level of success now, never mind when I was a bumbling 22 year old college bro.

So if any of you have already been following Glen, feel free to make fun of my usual tardiness. This time I’m really kicking myself. I wish I had known about Glen and his writing for a long time. It could have been very useful.

Cheers, Glen. If this internet marketing thing doesn’t work out for you, you’ve got a career ahead of you in motivational speaking. Your story (and story telling) are inspiring. Thanks for sharing it with the world.

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